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submission guidelines

for the artists interested in giving their work a home within the pages of Orange Blush

***Orange Blush Zine has been archived, and therefore we no longer accept submissions.


Thank you for all the work you shared with us during our run of a year and a half. Until we meet again.

general submissions

We accept: art, poetry, prose, fiction, scripts, lists, comics, illustrations, photography, collages -  pretty much anything creative you have to offer us. We’re open to experimental, out-of-the-box, punch-you-in-the-gut type work. Drive us up the wall. We like to include a variety of work in our zine, so we're open to things of all genres.


We sorta accept: translated written works (only if you wrote the original piece(s)); simultaneous submissions (only if you let us know upfront and alert us immediately if they’re accepted elsewhere); reprints (only if they were previously posted/ published by you, or you have regained the rights to reprint. Let us know upfront if your piece has been published before).


We do not accept: anything with hateful, bigoted and/or discriminatory tones. Orange Blush is an all-inclusive space. We're also not too fond of anything that's NSFW unless it's tasteful.

Written submissions: Send us up to 8 pages of writing in DOC or DOCX form. If your piece has specific formatting, send us another copy of your document in PDF just to be safe. Start each new piece on a new page, using a readable font and sizing in both your document and your email.


Visual submissions: Send us up to 10 images, in PNG or JPEG format, as large as possible. As for video (short film, etc.) submissions, send us a link instead!


Feel free to tell us as much about your work as you’d like. We like art better when we get to peek inside how it came to be, and what it truly means to you.


As we said, we’re open to experimental. If it’s never been done before, we might like it even more. Send us anything you’ve made that you’re proud of. (Even if you’re on the fence about it, there’s a chance we’ll like it.)

Artist Feature submissions: We currently accept submissions from musicians, bands and filmmakers for our featured artists' segment, which takes place on our Instagram, and on the online page of our site. 


This is the only submission category for which we charge a submission fee - one coffee! In other words, $2.


In your submission, tell us about yourself and your work, and let us know where we can listen to/ watch your art. Be sure to include what name we should address you by, for those who use a stage name, your social media handles, and your pronouns!


All are welcome to submit, but we prioritise small, independent artists, especially young artists who are QTPOC.


For creatives of other genres, we'd love to consider you and your work as well, but perhaps at a later date. Watch this space for updates! (Consider submitting to our issues in the meantime!)

If you wish to submit to two genres/ issues simultaneously, please email your submissions separately. This helps our team process your submissions faster.


Email your submissions to with the subject line:



SUBMISSION - Genre - Your Name



Include in your email a cover letter, a short bio and your social media handles (optional for issue submissions). 


Feel free to reach out to us if you have any questions - via email, DM on social media, our contact page, or the chatbox visible in the bottom right corner of the screen.

We plan on publishing a zine issue every other month, but we're currently working on revamping our issues. We accept submissions year-round, however, for our website and social media, apart from issues.


You can expect a response within six months. (Please only send us a follow-up email if we haven't responded within 9-12 months. This will likely either be due to Gmail sorting your email into spam unintentionally, changing plans for our issue formats, or our editors being a little occupied with university.)


In sending us your work, you acknowledge and confirm that all sent art is original and belongs wholly to you. By submitting, you are also granting us the right to make minor edits and to publish your work and keep it in our archives. Copyright shall remain with the contributor. If your work is reprinted elsewhere in the future, we’d appreciate it if you acknowledged us as the initial home of your piece. 


Unfortunately, we are not able to pay our contributors at the time being, but we hope to one day expand into a zine that is able to pay all our creative contributors.​​



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Orange Blush Zine, 2021.

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